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Trends, Spam, Privacy and Regulation


Global Phishing Ring Bites The Dust

In what could be the biggest breakthrough in cybercrime, the FBI has recently busted a global phishing racket with a worldwide network. While it’s an important victory in the war against phishing, people need to be more vigilant than ever before.

Law enforcement agencies arrested 33 people in California, Nevada and North Carolina earlier in October as part of an international crackdown on phishing. The raid, called ‘Operation Phish Phry’ by the FBI, was aimed at over 100 people, which included 20 defendants who are in America and at large.

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Spam With Malicious Software Have Increased

The levels of spam with malware have spiked recently posing a more serious threat to email users than before.

The State of Spam report released by Symantec indicates that the numbers of spam with malicious attachments have gone up drastically since September. Senior Manager of Anti-spam Engineering for Symantec, Dylan Morss confirmed that there has been a definite increase in the percentage of emails containing viruses recently.

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Online Privacy Expected To Get A Big Boost

A new online privacy legislation could be introduced by November that will require sites to be more transparent about their data collection techniques and the information they gather.

A privacy legislation, which is expected to have an impact on online advertising, may arrive by November. According to Rep. Rick Boucher, Head of the House Subcommittee on Communications, Technology and Internet, a bill having bipartisan support may be introduced, before the Congress adjourns for the winter break.

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More Social Networking Means More Email

The popularity of social networks among people has only resulted in the increase of email usage.

There's a general belief that social networks have gradually changed the way people communicate. If this were the case, social networks would probably reduce email usage. However, according to the preliminary data collected by Nielsen, the popularity of social networks has resulted in increased email usage. The reason for this increase is that social networks send updates via emails for any user activity or comments made on posts by fellow users.

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Never Share Sensitive Data Over Email

A burst of bogus IRS emails created mayhem across America. This is why Internet and email users need to be more alert and careful.

There's been a sudden increase in short bursts of viral emails all over the Internet, which have exposed email users to the widespread phenomenon of phishing. Some weeks back, an email, which claimed to have been sent by the IRS (Internal Revenue Service), started cluttering inboxes across America. The email requested clients to download and fill a form sent by the government to deal with the matter of under-reported income. The form, if downloaded, put the attacker in complete control of the affected PC, who dispatched the form to the victim’s contacts.

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